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Invitations to complete a check
Where can I find the invitations?
Where can I find the invitations?

If you're using Checkboard to complete a check, it's important to understand how invitations are typically se

Antonella Sarubbi avatar
Written by Antonella Sarubbi
Updated over a week ago

In most cases, invitations will be sent to you via email or text message, with the sender's name appearing as Checkboard.

To ensure that you receive these invitations promptly, the check requester will typically ask for your contact information, such as your phone number or email address. This information will then be used to facilitate sending the invitations directly to you.

Once you receive the invitation, you'll be able to access the check and complete it as needed. Here are a couple examples of what your invitation might look like:

If you receive your invitation via text message, it might look something like this:

By text message:

If you receive your invitation via email, it might look something like this:

By email:

By understanding how invitations are typically sent and what they might look like, you can be prepared to access and complete your check quickly and easily.

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