My occupation won't save

Your occupation is not saving in the app?

Antonella Sarubbi avatar
Written by Antonella Sarubbi
Updated over a week ago

We'll work on this to improve the process. In the meantime, please use the template below and email us with the following information πŸ’ͺ🏽

Subject line: 'My occupation won't save'

  1. phone number registered to the checkboard:

  2. name and DOB:

  3. reference: my occupation won't save

  4. screenshot of the error:

  5. please select the type that applies to you and confirm the information in bold

    Type 1

    • Employed

    • Occupation:

    • Shift pattern: Full-time, Part-time, Contract

    Type 2

    • Self-employed

    • Occupation

    • Years or months self-employed:

    Type 3

    • Unemployed, Student, Retired

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