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My funds won’t save

The app is acting strange?

Antonella Sarubbi avatar
Written by Antonella Sarubbi
Updated over 2 years ago

First, let's try this:

  • Refresh the app (remove from your recent apps) and reopen it to try again

If that doesn't work...

  • Delete and re-install the app. Something could have gone wrong during installation the first time so it's worth trying it again

If that didn't work, get in contact with the team:

Subject line: 'Kindly submit my check'

  1. phone number registered to the checkboard:

  2. name and DOB:

  3. reference: my funds won't save

♦️ If you were unable to complete the funds' section because you do not have open banking, please add the following information to the email.

  1. the amount directed to the property purchase:

  2. source of these funds: Property Sale, Gift, Inheritance, Other, ISA, Premium Bonds, Remortgage, Business Funds, Mortgage, Sale of Asset, Co-buyer Funds, Divorce Settlement

  3. supporting documents as evidence of these funds:

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